Founded in 1879 by Alfonso Cesana, the company initially operated as a bronze foundry for about 20 years before diversifying into the marketing of crucible furnaces and foundry products.

A.Cesana S.r.l. today is a leading chemical manufacturer of metallurgical treatments for non-ferrous metals, castings release agents, coatings for low pressure and gravity die casting and lubricants for aluminium extrusion.

Historical Catalogue


1879: Year of foundation. Alfonso Cesana, owner of a bronze foundry in Via Messina, Milan, founded A.Cesana.
1911: Registered with the Milan Chamber of Commerce.
1925 - 1946: Relocated to Via S. Marco, Milan. The company transitioned to a commercial business, distributing products and furnaces for foundries.
1946: Giorgio Cesana, upon the death of his father Giovanni, took over the company at the age of 18 and continued the commercial activity.
1949: A license agreement was signed for the production of Morgan crucible furnaces in Italy.
1953: Foseco and A.Cesana founded a joint company, Società Italiana Catalizzatori, for the production of foundry fluxes and coatings.
1955: Società Italiana Catalizzatori dissolved, and A.Cesana began its own production of products with blenders and tablet presses.
1965: At the first Gifa Fair in Düsseldorf, a cooperation with Flussum GmbH was established for the production of some foundry products.
1966: A.Cesana relocated to Pero in Via Turati, near the toll booth connecting the industrial axis between Turin and Venice.
1972: The son Luca, and then in 1980, Alberto and Domitilla, joined the company.
1979: The company celebrated its 100th anniversary with an event on a ferry on Lake Maggiore with customers, suppliers, and employees.
1980: Cooperation with Pyrotek Inc. began for the distribution of cast-house products. Sales of products in foreign markets also began.
1993: The company achieved ISO 9001 certification.
1997: Production of the first flux salts in the form of eco-friendly granules began.
2000: Giorgio Cesana passed away.
2001: A.Cesana sold the Roure graphite mine (Piedmont) due to ceased extraction.
2004: A.Cesana began collaboration with FMA from Liechtenstein, with MK Industrie GmbH, and with ZPF Therm for the distribution of melting furnaces.
2024: The company celebrates its 145th year in business.